Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What Became Of The Ice Age?

Back in the '70s and '80s the fear was that increased snow fall would reflect the heat of the sun's rays back into space and quickly bring on a new and devastating ice age. What happened? Now, in just a few short years, in geological terms, the prediction has made a 180 degree reversal and we're looking at a short and torrid future unless carbon dioxide is curtailed.

Maybe it's the case that a certain element of the scientific community is interested in promoting humanity's demise, presently through it's own activities, for public recognition. In fact, there's no maybe about it. A voracious media uses academics as climate disaster sources much as tabloid newspaper reporters haunt police stations for info on bank robbers and serial killers. 

The difference is that crime fighting is entirely a government affair. Battling climate change has huge openings for hyper-capitalist activities, wind turbines, solar panels, CO2 direct-capture mechanisms, pipelines, sequestration, etc. financed with Whiggish government grants and subsidies. The recipients of these taxpayer funds, if they are actual monetary receipts, may very well realize that at some point this charade will come to an end. No matter, the acquired funds will have been invested in other, perhaps more legitimate activities. The national landscape will be dotted with fallen turbine towers and cracked, inert solar panels but their interests will have been divested among the unwary.

A similar fate is likely for the GAI mania that's gripping the technocrats. Basically an immense filing system with the ability to search itself, there's some doubt as to how or if its owners will be able to successfully monetize it after an incredible investment of other people's money. The frauds of Elizabeth Holmes, Charlie Javice and Sam Bankman-Freid are Little League stuff compared to Sam Altman and his GAI dream.   

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