Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

The Orwellian titled Inflation Reduction Act includes a Whig Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program that will disburse almost $5 billion of funds that could be used to fill in the millions of pot holes on US highways that daily damage American automobiles and instead will  target global warming and atmospheric change with local schemes.

Accordingly, " September 4-6, 2024 – EPA will hold a CPRG Planning Grant Workshop at the University of Minnesota's McNamara Alumni Center in Minneapolis. This in-person-only workshop for planning grantees will focus on development of the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan. Planning grantees were emailed information about registration and the workshop website."

The purpose of the EPA Planning Grant Workshop must be to fill in the blanks for grant applicants that need to produce a satisfactory request. In the '70s and since the role of the employee writing grant requests is one of the most critical in the white collar workforce, especially among NGOs. This amounts to a training session for current and future efforts to justify government largesse, although the EPA probably already has a pretty good idea who the recipients will be.


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