Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Childless Cat Ladies

Of course NPR has come to the defense of "childless cat ladies" from the sarcasm of vice presidential candidate J. D. Vance. In the bi-polar world of US politics where there are no shades of grey and any remark from the past is dredged up to vilify an opponent such is bound to be the case. This will continue to be so as both sides pick through accounts in search of negative material for campaigns. Electioneering is one of the bigger industries in the so-called democracy and vast sums of money are involved.

Aside from that, the public, each and every member thereof, should keep two things in mind. The responsibilities of an individual of any species are: A. Reproduction and B. Finding and consuming enough food to enable reproduction. This is the case with both single-celled bacteria, members of the US Congress and the media and every organism between them on the evolutionary scale. Organisms that fail to reproduce their own kind are contributing to its extinction.

Any other part of that organism's life beside A and B is  superfluous and rare in plants and most animals. On the contrary, negative reproductive behavior is common among the cultures of "advanced" humans such as childless cat ladies. Human females that fail to become mothers are failures to their species. If large numbers of them voluntarily choose that option their particular society is doomed. Only in a sophisticated, complex suicidal culture is such behavior even accepted.     

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