Saturday, August 24, 2024

Opposition To Summit Carbon Solutions: Update

Potential CO2 pipeline inspector presents to Story County

There's considerable local opposition to Summit Carbon Solutions plan to gather by-product CO2 from ethanol plants across the Upper Midwest, transport it by 2000 miles of pipelines and then inject it into the ground in the vicinity of Bismarck, North Dakota, but not as much as might be expected. As with many Whig ideas, the average person is too busy with other things, like making a living in perilous times, to become an effective adversary of projects that have no chance of initiation or success without oceans of federal money, tax abatements and subsidies.

South Dakota has enacted legislation that allows the construction of the pipelines. Nebraska seems to be less enthusiastic and has some organized resistance. Minnesota plans an extensive environmental review of the project. The Iowa Utilities Board has approved the Summit Carbon Solutions application with the stipulation that additional filings be presented before a permit is issued for the 688 miles of pipeline that winds through 29 Iowa counties.

As with all things CO2, the solution may well be for a problem that doesn't actually exist. Since the atmosphere presently contains just 421 parts per million of the gas, there's much skepticism that an increase will have any discernable effect on the climate. But Summit Carbon Solutions, a company that's never built a pipeline of any kind, seeks to tap into tax rebates and subsidies by waving checks in the faces of farmers whose land the pipelines will cross and, if the grangers refuse to accept, use eminent domain to accomplish their goals. This will be an affront to even the most neo-liberal.

The South Dakota Supreme Court has decided that Summit Carbon Solutions is not a common carrier and can't use eminent domain to build its CO2 pipelines through the Jack Rabbit State. The project faces also faces issues in the other states slated for pipelines. 


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