Thursday, August 22, 2024

Aussie Solar Power To Singapore

Green energy production doesn't just save the planet from climate catastrophe, as is always the case its biggest benefit is the jobs it creates. 

The now government approved Australia-Asia Power Link $19 billion project will cover 29,650 acres, or a little over 43 square miles of Australia's Northern Territory with solar panels producing 6 GW of electricity and, best of all, creating 14,300 jobs. About one third of the power will be sent by under-sea cable to Singapore, supplying up to 15% of the city-state's energy needs, and later Indonesia.

When complete the project will be the world's largest solar energy complex, use the world's largest battery and be connected by the world's longest undersea cable, 2800 miles long. And have 300 operational employees in the Northern Territory.

Australia’s Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said on Wednesday that the project would transform Australia into a “renewable energy superpower”.

The government approval is really just in regard to environmental considerations. The next hurdle is arriving at the Final Investment Decision by 2027. In other words, financing is dependent at least in part by Indonesia and Singapore, the ultimate customers.

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