Friday, May 18, 2012

More Elizabeth Warren

Fauxahontas Warren has used her supposed diversity to move to the front of the academic advancement queue, ending, at least for the moment, her journey as a tenured professor at ultra-prestigious Harvard University. We don't know the specifics of Warren's DNA as it was presented to various educational institutions to verify her minority status but there is a specification that should be kept in mind. Native Americans have a deal with the Department of the Interior that provides them with health care from the Public Health Service. However, they can only take advantage of this benefit if they are MEMBERS of a FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED TRIBE. That means that they are either enrolled in the tribe at birth or accepted as members by the tribe later on. If not, they are not eligible for PHS health care. I know this because my daughter, a half Eskimo but not an enrolled member, was refused service at a BIA hospital in Arizona.

More pseudo-proof of Warren's native American background is contained in the cook book Pow Wow Chow. Unfortunately, there seems to be proof instead that in violation of Harvard University and Harvard Law School policy, the Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate plagiarized her contributions from other sources.

 On May 25, the Boston Globe published an article on Warren's use of her imaginary native American heritage and how Harvard University Law School employed it to meet federal diversity requirements. As in so many other incidents where individuals have voluntarily become public figures, Warren responds to questions about the matter through a "spokesperson". When candidates for public office are uncomfortable answering legitimate questions about their background it's time to question their fitness for the position.

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