Sunday, January 28, 2024

Are People Really Worried About Climate Change?






A library has found it necessary to set up a display of climate anxiety books, apparently because readers are either unable to find them or simply aren't interested. Atmospheric science, the study of the gases chaotically circulating above the surface of the earth, is a complex subject that even scientists devoted to it haven't mastered completely. If, indeed, the sometimes unusual weather is a sign of an existential climate crisis wouldn't there be a general clamor for more detailed information by the proletariat? If people are concerned about the future of the planet wouldn't they also be interested in the effectiveness of the measures being taken to address the problem and the costs involved? 

There's a daily media concentration on the threat of hydrocarbon fuels to life on earth but hardly anyone, even those politicians in charge of disbursing the funds that are meant to enable a transition, can actually explain how it all works in detail.

We saw a similar process in the government's response to Covid 19. Recommendations by various parties such as the CDC and its "6 foot social distancing" and mandatory face masks, have been found through further research to be arbitrary measures that weren't base on any scientific evidence, but simply the opinions of government functionaries. Isn't it possible, or even highly likely, that some of the approaches to existential climate change are also arbitrary and, if the crisis is real, perhaps ineffective and expensive measures that won't achieve the goal?   

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