Monday, January 30, 2023

Dominic Cummings and the Deep State

For over twenty years Dominic Cummings has been a figure in UK politics but never as an elected official. Instead he's served as an advisor to those successful at the ballot box, including  recent prime minister Boris Johnson. This is a common feature of "democratic" politics. No one expects a single elected representative to have a knowledge and command of everything around him or her.

Dominic Cummings: Policing coronavirus lockdown 'made much harder by No ...

Dominic Cummings

No longer working in an official capacity for Johnson, Cummings is still available to express his opinions and lately he's given us an interesting one, as can be seen here. He explains in simple terms the existence of the infamous "Deep State", the gigantic bureaucracies that actually run nation-states. An excerpt:

 "The fact that the quality of the people elected is so desperately bad now across Western governments that brilliant 30-year-old women who no one’s heard of or who no one’s elected are running things is actually for the good. But the long-term consequences of this is also that these institutions have been incredibly stale and self-reinforcing. Nothing can change in any way — including the Deep State itself."


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Fed Figure Susan Collins Doesn't Explain Inflation




 University of Michigan Economist Susan M. Collins to Become President ...

Susan Collins, Boston Federal Reserve Bank President


On Friday, January 20, Boston Federal Reserve Bank President and CEO and the first woman of color to hold that position, Susan Collins, explained the elements of price inflation that's currently plaguing the US and the rest of the world. 

She said:    “The Fed, of course, is monitoring, holistically, all of the different kinds of information, from what’s happening with households, with firms. In terms of the different components of price inflation, there are lots of factors that have led prices to be rising so rapidly. Some of them are factors on the supply side that the Federal Reserve really doesn’t have much influence over at all. And that includes things like longstanding — things like weather conditions. It also, particularly in the food — the bird flu has taken a real toll on, for example, egg prices. And climate change also has impacts. So, there are a lot of longstanding factors and reasons that food prices are traditionally very volatile. And that is certainly impacting households and one of the things that I am very concerned about.”

Unfortunately, she didn't go into the impacts of climate change. What current aspects of climate change have created price inflation? At this time there is no actual evidence of climate change so its impacts can only be based on projected climate change, change that has yet to occur and probably won't during current lifetimes.

While acknowledging price inflation, she doesn't tell us what the Federal Reserve intends to do to alleviate it, if anything, other than monitoring the situation, something we all can do whenever we venture out into the retail world. She did say that eventually the rate of inflation will return to its Goldilocks level of 2% annually and everything will be just fine.

According to the Mises Institute, the Fed itself will be in arrears to the extent of $100 billion or more at the end of the year, its first operating loss since 1915.   

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Smuggling Humans Into The US No Big Deal, Don't Try It With Eggs

If you've been to the supermarket lately you might be aware that a dozen eggs has increased astronomically in price. This article says that an epidemic of avian flu is the reason. It also says that  customs and border protection is concentrating on keeping the illegal ovum from crossing the southern border into the US. Getting caught with Mexican eggs could cost you $10,000.

 1 Dozen of White Ceramic Eggs | Cackle Hatchery®

This is while non-US citizens sneak across the line and then are flown to "sanctuary cities" where local authorities refuse to assist ICE in their repatriation. Maybe if a Honduran alien was carrying a dozen eggs he'd be in big trouble.

It's interesting that while undocumented humans are assisted in their migration to the US, the same isn't true of many animals.

For instance, cattle and other ungulates are pretty much forbidden entry under any circumstances to the US. This includes cows from Sweden, Chile, Great Britain, Haiti, Guatemala, Spain, Colombia, Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and just about any other country you can name. Ostensibly, this is to prevent the international spread of hoof and mouth disease and other bovine contagions. Oddly, with a world-wide plague of Covid varieties, illegal immigrants to the US aren't systemically tested for that virus.


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Classified Documents

For an extended period of time the US media has been chattering about the subject of classified documents or paper work that has markings indicating that it is "confidential", "secret" or "top secret". Classified material was found during an FBI raid on the home of former US president Donald Trump that perhaps has the potential of causing serious legal problems for him.

More recently, the personal attorneys of current president Joe Biden have discovered unsecured classified materials at his home and other places. This is an embarrassment for Biden if not a legal problem but since the FBI didn't dig through his closets he's probably OK.

There are some serious questions about this whole situation. While the national media is devoted to keeping us informed of the latest events in the lives of the Kardashian family and Harry + Meghan, no effort has been made to actually describe the classification process and its meaning.

While the marking process itself and other aspects are detailed in this government document,  which is produced for the Department of Defense, there doesn't seem to be any description of who might mark a document as classified, at what level and what the nature of the classified information must be. Only those with a security clearance at the same level as the document are authorized to view it. No explanation is given of how an individual becomes qualified to view "Top Secret" files.

 Top Secret Classified Stamp Red Grunge Icon Stamp Illustration Stock ...

Apparently, we don't need to know anything at all about classified files. If they are laying around Joe Biden's garage perhaps the information they contain is meaningless to the public or a potential adversary. Further, we can't know what federal agencies are permitted to make use of file classification. It's obvious that the Defense Dept. and Homeland Security classify documents but how about the Depts. of Labor, Agriculture, Commerce, Education and so on? Don't they have bureaucratic secrets that they wish to keep from the populace? Do state and local government agencies also have levels of secrecy in their files?

Finally, just as the government issues flimsy paper cards with an applicant's social security number for a lifetime of use, why do they seem to be so freaked out over paper documents? Hasn't the world in general moved on to electronic record keeping? Wouldn't it make more sense to search the Biden palace for information hidden away on tiny flash drives? Even the infamous Hunter Biden laptop seems to be a relic from a bygone age. With the increasing use of electronic communication, keeping a secret is going to be more and more difficult, regardless of the red label on the file. However, using paper files might actually be more secure than internet communication, just as a private verbal conversation between two individuals should be the most secure form of communication.   

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Whores Gather At World Economic Forum

The convention of the world's most important people, none of whom are impoverished, also brings together others wishing to do business with them. According to a number of publications the meeting in Davos, Switzerland creates a bustling market for sexual services.

Americans don't need to be too distraught about this, after all there are events in the USA that attract big numbers of ladies of the evening as well. First and foremost of these is US Open Golf Tournament. Spectators don't bring their wives, they leave them at home with a credit card and spend a week following their golfing idols around the links. Since no one takes on the challenge of golfing at night, there's plenty of time for paid romance. Other major tournaments have their own similar celebrations.

Another event that now extends to almost a week in duration that includes some of the planet's most attractive ladies is the NBA All-Star game. It' worth going just to get a glimpse of the glamour.  

Monday, January 16, 2023

A Time Line of Planetary Climate

Ian Plimer,Professor of Mining Geology, the University of Adelaide, has written an article for the Australian magazine Spectator that supplies the basics of earth tectonics and its effect on global climate. Ever reliable Wikipedia adds this to Plimer's CV: He rejects the scientific consensus on climate change. He has been criticised by climate scientists for misinterpreting data and spreading misinformation. Of course, there is no scientific consensus on climate change. We don't know the qualifications of the Wikipedia writer. Maybe he's more qualified than Plimer. Probably not.

Plimer points out some significant facts that have been arrived at through the scientific analysis of geologic structures:

  “For more than 80 per cent of time, Earth has been a warm wet greenhouse planet with no ice. We live in unusual times when ice occurs on continents. This did not happen overnight. The great southern continent, Gondwanaland, formed about 550 million years ago. It occupied 20 per cent of the area of our planet and included Antarctica, South America, Australia, South Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. Gondwanaland was covered by ice when it drifted across the South Pole 360-255 million years ago. Evidence for this ice age is in the black coal districts of Australia, South Africa, and India."

He moves on:

 “The Earth has been slowly cooling for the last 50 million years from times when life thrived and rapidly diversified. In these warmer times, there were no mass extinctions due to natural warming and, if the planet is warming today, the past shows us that life will thrive and diversify even more.”

In conclusion Professor Plimer makes this statement: 

“We are putting all our efforts and wasting trillions of taxpayers’ dollars into trying to prevent mythical human-induced global warming, yet we still don’t prepare for the inevitable annual floods, droughts, and bushfires, let alone longer-term solar – and orbitally – driven global cooling.

“We have a crisis of single-minded stupidity exacerbated by a dumbed-down education system supported by incessant propaganda, driven by financial interests and political activist authoritarianism.” 


It's a fair bet that Professor Plimer hasn't been invited to the now-opening World Economic Forum meeting in Davos.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Public Use Electricity

The conversation about renewable resources, in particular electricity, is almost always about its use in the private sector. If there is a failure in the electrical grid there will also be a failure primarily in home heating, cooling, lighting, communication, etc. The same issues will also affect businesses. What we don't hear much about is the dependence on reliable electricity by the public sector.

The photograph above is an aerial night view of Los Angeles, CA. As can be seen much of the artificial light in this and all cities is used to illuminate public spaces, buildings,streets and freeways. Heating and cooling public buildings also depends on reliable electricity, as does water and sewer, elevators and other normal services. 

 DFW satellite | The stars at night... | Pinterest

A NASA photo from space of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

Incredibly, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, no statistics are kept that differentiate between private and public use of electricity for lighting or building applications.

The question is, in the event of not being able to supply all of electrical power needed at any given time, how will the available power be allotted? It's difficult to imagine that street and freeway illumination will be cut off, despite automobiles having their own source of light. Sure some public facilities, jails, hospitals, etc. are equipped with emergency generators but they won't supply enough power to keep various state legislatures running. 



Saturday, January 7, 2023

Peer Review and the Legislative Process

Peer review, a process where the details of scientific studies are examined by authorities in their respective fields for applicability, reliability and merit before being published, have been in the news a lot recently. In order for the results of a study to be published in The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, Nature or any other periodical with a pretense of scientific integrity, it must be scrutinized by a largely anonymous but influential group of recognized experts. Some times this works, sometimes it does not. Some studies are accepted and published and are later disregarded as erroneous. Others are rejected for publication but in the future turn out to be meaningful.

Nobody regards the construction of bills being put before the US Congress as a scientific process or the result of one. Bills like the trillion dollar plus monstrosity budget bill are a repudiation of science. What's important is that there is no "peer review" of the various parts of this bill, or any other bill, by recognized experts. Even worse, no names of  authors are attached to the sections of the bill for which they are responsible. There is zero transparency

No congressman can truthfully say that they've read the entirety of a 4,155 page budget bill. Worse yet, unknown people who were never subjected to the electoral process wrote the provisions of a bill that after being signed into law will affect the lives of every one living in the US and other countries as well.

What this does is insulate the individual Congressman from any responsibility for the negatives of the legislation, a primary goal of all bureaucracies in general and republican governments in particular. The President himself, the last piece in the jig saw puzzle of legislation, has never read the complete bill and is unlikely to understand most portions of it.

It's noteworthy that a culture that worships science and technology dismisses its role in government.


The Commercialization of Menopause


 Getty Images for Stripes

Silver screen star Naomi Watts, already a business success with her own line of clean beauty products, Onda, has formed a new company, Stripes, to provide salves and ointments to women undergoing the "symptoms" of menopause, as if the biological process was actually a disease.

The 54 year-old lady says her own experience of perimenopause and menopause led her to establish the firm, which vends "Power Serum" for $85 and "Oh My Glide" a vaginal lubricant for $40.

 “We hope to inspire women to reach out to one another in solidarity to end the stigma and normalize menopause,” she said, adding that she hoped “women start to understand that getting older is a privilege and a time for us to feel proud of our cumulative experiences.”

Non-profits have also been established to deal with the inevitable

Statistically, women make up 70% of nursing home residents in the US and their life expectancy is 81 years. Male life expectancy is 77 years.