Sunday, May 24, 2020

Social Distancing

Social Distancing is the term used to describe the authorities' requirement in the Covid-19 era that people refrain from being within 6 feet (2 meters) of others. Why this term came into use is a mystery. One could be in bed together with Harry and Meghan and the social distance between you and them would still be light years. The actual phrase should instead be Physical Distancing, but that's maybe just a little too grim for pc political lingo.

There is something of a lack in an even more important aspect of this situation, however. The missing piece of the vocabulary is a term for the most important form of distancing, keeping a wide physical berth between yourself and those infected with hyper-gullibility. Because the Covid-19 pandemic is being described by epidemiological computer models, it has a gloss of science about it. 

Computers themselves, and the programs that are run by them, are the product of really bright people. They might not be scientists themselves, more likely technicians of a sort, but what they do is based on science so they're more likely than others to be in touch with reality. Or so we're led to believe. That might not be true.

So an important type of distancing should take the place of Social Distancing. Let's call it Neurological Distancing. Rather than specify a certain distance in feet and inches from a possibly infected person, just stay a far away as possible from fear-mongering language Nazis.

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