Tuesday, April 30, 2019

University of Minnesota Won't Change Building Names

The regents of the University of Minnesota have decided, in a 10-1 vote, against renaming four campus buildings as recommended by a student/faculty task force, as described here.

The task force had found that the four individuals for whom the buildings had been named were in some sense bad people who did not deserve to be so honored. 

This may indeed be a matter of some importance but the reality is somewhat different than the substance of the argument. The fact is that the University is engaged in a never-ending search for more funding, both from increasing legislative appropriations and increased tuition, as well as contracts for exclusive access (Coca-Cola), event sponsorships, and other sources, all to finance a massive administrative machine. The naming rights for the football stadium were sold to Twin City Federal, a bank, for $35 million over 25 years. Other structures bear the names of individuals who donated significantly to their cost. It only makes sense to sell the naming rights to other buildings as well. Why not sell the space above the doors of Coffman Union to someone like Target Corporation, who is already in the name business at the Minnesota Twins ballpark and the Minnesota Timberwolves basketball arena? Other big businesses could surely be enticed to have their name and logo emblazoned on a campus building and the price wouldn't have to be in the millions. The TCF Stadium financing scheme costs students $25 a semester so every dollar counts.

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