Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Transgender Girls

The Minnesota Star-Tribune has published a news article describing the failure of a state house bill to prohibit boys from competing in athletic events restricted to girls. Rather than use the term "boys" in the article, males that wish to compete against girls are referred to as "transgender girls". 

There's actually a considerable amount of confusion in the very concept of transgender theory. While there have probably always been men who wished to be seen as women, no surgical procedures had been developed to disguise their gender. By dressing as women they became, by definition, transvestites. Transvestites dress like women in order to obtain sex from men who prefer sex with men dressed like women. They are, cross dressers, a sub-species of the homosexual genera. 

While pseudoscience has come up with theories to justify males competing in female events, altered testosterone levels, for instance, none of this makes any sense in the competitive sports world. Males have an advantage over females in physical sports even if they are called "transgender girls". Nothing can change that. Their gender is determined by their chromosomes and DNA. The only difference between a male and a "transgender girl" is in the gray matter of the latter.

We don't hear much about the motivation of men pretending to be girls entering female athletic events. The justification seems to be that having been losers as men they have more opportunities for victory as "transgender girls". Maybe there's a connection between this and a culture where "winning" is the most important thing. An Olympic gold medalist is famous for the rest of their life and beyond, number four in the event is unmentioned even though their scores or times were nearly identical. The economic struggle for individual supremacy has filtered down to the lowest levels of the capitalist, corporate, bureaucratic, consumer society. So men will pretend to be women in order to stand in the spotlight, if only for a moment.

Ultimately, it's never mentioned that even a male surgically altered to resemble a female, will never experience something that only a female can, menopause.

Once again, we can thank academia and its affiliate pseudoscience for taking a stand on culture. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5, 2015,  there has been a change in the diagnosis for transpeople of all ages from Gender Identity Disorder (GID) to Gender Dysphoria (GD), in part to better indicate the distress that transpeople may experience when their gender identity feels incongruent.      

The hullabaloo over boys in girls' sports is a weird and rare distraction that will hopefully go away soon so we can worry about the negatives experienced by "transgender girls" due to climate change.

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