In the "West" there is a major concern with "hate speech". What is it? Apparently it's when an individual says, writes or publishes negatives about another class or individual thereof.
It may not be entirely true but worries about hate speech seem to be present only in the West. Little is heard about it in Asia, Africa or Oceania.
Hate itself is a word that in English denotes a particularly impassioned dislike. On an emotional 10 point scale hate would be a 9.5. In Orwell world, the words that signify a lesser dislike don't seem to be in use anymore. These words, in fact, just don't seem to do the job, words like "disgusting", "revolting", "abhorrent", "odious" and "loathsome" aren't loaded with enough emotional energy to get to 9.5 on the propaganda scale. Which is why they aren't used to describe the verbiage of one's cultural detractors.
Those words were commonly used by even the proles in the past but now, in a community that revels in its intellectual achievements, are seldom heard or read. Thus it would be unusual for an elected representative to describe an opponent of another party as "loathsome". Maybe vocabularies have shrunk so much that there's a fear that the word might be misunderstood. Hate is a word with universal meaning but is a person that expresses disgust with two males having sex really expressing "hate"?
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