An article in the "Undark" website talks about some of the unknowns in carbon sequestration. The big question is what are the possibilities of the liquid CO2 escaping the designated area thousands of feet below the surface and contaminating lower and intervening aquifers? Since this process has never been done before, any answer is conjecture rather than science.
The only way sequestration will take place is to harvest federal subsidies and tax breaks. It won't be a feature of the free market, if such a thing even exists. The sequestration process is itself only an addition to a suspect ethanol industry that relies on government regulation of motor fuel, an unproven theory on CO2 climate change advanced by neo-Whig entrepreneurs and environmental innocents, distorted science promoted by compromised academia, daily apocalyptic media projections and battalions of government employees with an economic stake in the matter. In fact, the process of planting corn that might end in driving CO2 deep into the earth is financed in its entirety by the general population through government mandates and then taxes. Its difficult to imagine a more extensive con game unless one takes into account war and its preparation.
How a CO2 molecule would appear to you if you were really small.
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