Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Field Marshall or just an ordinary general?

No, it's not a Russian submarine commander or a North Korean infantry general, it's just the present sheriff of Orange County, California, the person responsible for protecting the safety of Disneyland and the Angels baseball team. Actually, her costume does look like something that might have been created by the Disney costume staff. Sadly, she won't be able to wear the uniform in public much longer as the lady intends to retire after 40 years in law enforcement. There is some pressure involved:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Kapuscinski Talks About Time

Noted Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski wandered the world as the sole member of the Polish communist foreign press corps. He saw and wrote of many things,his books included the The Soccer War and Shah of Shahs and The Emperor. In his treatise on Africa, The Shadow of the Sun, he comments on the differences between the Europeans and the Africans in the concept of time.

 The European and the African have an entirely different concept of time. In the European worldview, time exists outside man, exists objectively, and has measurable and linear characteristics. According to Newton, time is absolute: "Absolute, true, mathematical time of itself and from its own nature, it flows equably and without relation to anything external." The European feels himself to be time's slave, dependent on it, subject to it. To exist and function, he must observe its ironclad, inviolate laws, its inflexible principles and rules. He must heed deadlines, dates, days, and hours. He moves within the rigors of time and cannot exist outside them. They impose upon him their requirements and quotas. An unresolvable conflict exists between man and time, one that always ends with man's defeat--time annihilates him.

 Africans apprehend time differently. For them, it is a much looser concept, more open, elastic, subjective. It is man who influences time, its shape, course, and rhythm (man acting, of course, with the consent of gods and ancestors). Time is even something that man can create outright, for time is made manifest through events, and whether an event takes place or not depends, after all, on man alone. If two armies do not engage in a battle, then that battle will not occur (in other words, time will not have revealed its presence, will not have come into being).

Time appears as a result of our actions, and vanishes when we neglect or ignore it. It is something that springs to life under our influence, but falls into a state of hibernation, even nonexistence, if we do not direct our energy toward it. It is a subservient, passive essence, and, most importantly, one dependent on man.

The absolute opposite of time as it is understood in the European worldview.

 In practical terms, this means that if you go to a village where a meeting is scheduled for the afternoon but find no one at the appointed spot, asking, "When will the meeting take place?" makes no sense. You know the answer: "It will take place when the people come."

 Image result for ryszard kapuściński

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Best Way To Torture Fish

Minneapolis Star-Tribune outdoor writer gives some advice on the best method to catch a walleyed pike and then return it to the water:

Mille Lacs anglers are catching a lot of walleyes this summer, all of which must be returned to the water. The trick while water temperatures continue to warm is to ensure as much as possible that released fish live. Chances this will happen increase if anglers use jigs instead of sliding sinker rigs, which are a favorite on Mille Lacs. Often walleyes will take hooks fished with sliding sinkers deep in their mouths, making their safe extraction problematic. Better now as midsummer approaches to fish Mille Lacs walleyes with jigs — or at least pinch the barbs off hooks used with sliding sinkers, making a walleye’s release quicker and safer.
Dennis Anderson

 Image result for walleye pike

Of course, the best way to insure that the fish survives is to find some other amusement and leave the fish alone.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Badger State on Course to Get Rid of Woodchucks

According to the Associated Press:

MADISON, Wis. — The Legislature's outdoors committees have approved a bill that would create a woodchuck season.
The Republican bill would remove woodchucks from the Wisconsin's protected species list and establish a hunting and trapping season that would run from July through December with no bag limits.
The Assembly's Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage Committee amended the measure Wednesday to establish a year-round open season on the animals on an 11-2 vote and passed the bill 9-4.
The Senate's Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry Committee met on the bill on Wednesday as well. That panel signed off on the amendment 5-0 and passed the bill 4-1.
Committee approval clears the way for votes in the full Senate and Assembly.

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Image result for woodchuck


Badgers are carnivores. Woodchucks are vegetarians. In fact, badgers look at woodchucks like college students look at pizzas. Both dig holes that can present problems. For people. The hunting of woodchucks hasn't really been hunting as such. It's mostly been shooting, plinking at living, and sometimes moving, targets. Few people, if any, eat them, they're rodents, distantly related to rats and mice, after all. They might be trapped for purposes of eliminating their construction of burrows but for no other purpose. No one makes coats or stoles out of their hides. Maybe there's a demand for stuffed woodchucks, woodchucks that taxidermists preserve in interesting postures, perhaps holding a small US flag or riding a miniature bicycle.

Image result for woodchuck holding american flag

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Beheading Update

A short time ago we explored the once popular artistic subject of beheading here at Pulverized Concepts. In the last couple of hundred years, however, it doesn't seem to be seen as often as it once was, unless you're in an art museum.

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The 17th century master Michelangelo Caravaggio used the event in more than a few of his works, which were hung in places where they could be seen then as they are now.  Above we see Judith decapitating Holofernes. This made the Jews happy then and the Christians happy later.

People are bent out of shape over the efforts of minor league comedienne Kathy Griffin and photographer Tyler Shields to depict something that has been brought back into the public consciousness by the maniacal villains of ISIS. But they're not really beheading anyone. The photo is a fake! It doesn't mean that they're going to actually chop the noggin off of anyone. And, indeed, how could they? Their version of Holofernes is surrounded by agents sworn to protect him from Colombian prostitutes and other mal hechors.

Tyler Shields has done a number of somewhat irreverent video projects like this one: