Sunday, August 20, 2023

Direct Air Capture. The Answer For Global Warming?

The Biden regime is betting much of their money, which once belonged to the American public, on an experimental method of withdrawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and hiding it away someplace forever or until it can be utilized. This is according to the Verge, a subsidiary of progressive webzine Vox.

In addition to the fact that this has never been done on a scale needed to change the make-up of the atmosphere and that the projected cost of the process is estimated to be over $600 for each ton of CO2 extracted. 

The Verge says:

"The first two DAC hubs to win funding from the DOE are each supposed to eventually capture at least 1 million metric tons of CO2 a year. Together, the emissions they capture annually would be roughly equivalent to taking 445,000 gas-guzzling cars off the road, according to the DOE. In the process, the effort is expected to create 4,800 jobs in Texas and Louisiana."

Two points: Capturing 2 million metric tons of CO2, if it's even possible, at projected prices would cost $1.2 billion annually. No one even knows for sure if that would have any effect on the climate. Is that a good value? 

Second, the EPA has been holding a hammer over the auto industry for years demanding increased efficiency and gas mileage for automobiles. They aren't the so-called "gas guzzlers" of the '60s. (The alliteration is hard to dispense with.) Obviously if the sentence is to make any sense, the 445,000 powered by internal combustion engines will need to be replaced by even more EVs, needed to accommodate current American drivers and the battalions of asylum-seekers wading across the Rio Grande and boarding buses for NYC. No doubt there will be a federal program to supply the immigrants with subsidized EVs or they won't be able to replace American workers.

Construction of DAC plants will require ancillary infrastructure that will also be $billion+, pipelines, pumps, injection facilities and sequestration caverns.


 Start-up in sight for world's biggest DAC

This is a photo purporting to be that of a DAC facility being built now in the Permian Basin that will liquefy over a million metric tons of CO2 beginning some time in late 2024. Don't hold your breath. 

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