Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Zelensky Fashion Statement

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky has abandoned the tonsorial style of other world leaders to embrace that of the proletariat. During meetings he dons the ubiquitous T-shirt, in his case a drab, green affair with no graphics indicating an affinity with some business, an educational institution or a prominent pro sports team.

AFP / Ukrainian Presidential Press Service


Even a Vogue cover photo shoot of him and his wife shows the Ukrainian chief wearing his signature attire, a rare example of a lower class look  in the fashion magazine.

What, if anything, does the Zelensky T-shirt mean? It certainly must mean something. In fact, he must own a number of these shirts if he wears them much of the time. There's a conscious effort on his part or his advisory staff or the propaganda/public relations arm of his administration to project an image that's different from his previous standard business suit and tie. We can imagine what this image is meant to accomplish.

Of course, as a head of state, Zelensky never stoops so low as to wear clothes that have been washed. An olive drab T-shirt is worn only once. After a single use a Zelensky T-shirt becomes a valuable souvenir that finds its way into the possession of Ukrainian teen-age girls with a crush on the leader. 



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