Sunday, September 18, 2022

F.A. Hayek

 And since the theoreticians of democracy have for over a hundred years taught the majorities that whatever they desire is just, we must not be surprised if the majorities no longer even ask whether what they decide is just.

F.A. Hayek

1 comment:

Daniel L. Wentz said...

Pigs want what pigs want, the reason for the want is unimportant. Americans have long sought not was is right or reasonable but what others have, e.g., the Indian-Lands to the West. Nothing has changed since before 1776 other than that which is "Wanted"! Come on, John, economic theory is just there to support that which is sought by those seeking it. You well know Mao was right: "Political Power comes out of the barrel of a rifle." And you also know, John, America loves its rifles. Look at the original draft of the U.S. Constitution; it did not include the 10 Amendments. Those freedoms where afterthoughts. The core was and remains all about one thing: In two words: "property rights." Nothing has changed, the Lincoln "new birth of freedom Amendments," notwithstanding.