Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Don't Call Them Worms


Apollo News 

They're actually whole larvae of Tenebrio molitor, or  meal worms. As explained here, beginning on Feb. 10, up to four percent of the weight of bread and cakes sold in the European Union can be made up of a powder of these worms after they've undergone a 24 hour fast and UV treatment. Their inclusion in a diet supplies much needed vitamin D3.

"If the vitamin D3 content in a food exceeds a certain limit due to the addition of mealworm powder, the following notice must appear on the product packaging: "Contains vitamin D produced by UV treatment". The amount of the vitamin must then also be stated in the nutritional table."

Keep in mind that on your next trip to Paris or Amsterdam you might get a vitamin D3 boost from your pie or Dutch crunch roll.

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