Mr Kaveh Zahedi, the Director of the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), of the United Nations has made a trip to Japan to attend an environmental meeting in Tokyo.
He's there to impress the locals with the importance of addressing agricultural policies in the context of climate change. He says: “agriculture is also on the front line of the impact of climate change. It contributes to and is impacted by climate change.” That sounds bad.
If 700 million are facing hunger it looks like more effective agriculture is necessary. But agriculture is part of the increase of climate change so more food will spell less food. Worse still, an FAO analysis has found that the funds needed to combat climate change have decreased.
Mr. Zahedi notes that the Japanese are experienced at doing more with less. His interview seems to be just more climate change boiler plate.
The reality is that localized weather events aren't indicative of climate change, which occurs over an extended period of time greater than even several lifetimes. Floods in southern Brazil don't mean anything in regard to the climate of Europe a century from now. Individuals like Mr. Zahedi and the institutions they represent owe their existence to the climate anxiety that they seek to perpetuate. That's their job, it's how they "earn" a living.
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