Monday, March 11, 2024

Responsible Decision Making

Elke Weber is a professor at Princeton University's Center for Policy and Research on the Environment.

Professor Weber's specialty has been identifying the psychology of decision-making in the assessment of risk by individuals and groups, especially in response to climate change.

Her organization is tasked with discovering why the unwashed masses take little interest in the prospect of a changing climate or actually disbelieve the theory and how to change their minds.

 Elke U. Weber - Photos Elke Weber 

A major figure in American psychology, the lady professor is a Phd from Harvard, a member of the National Academy of Science, and has been president of the  President of the Society for Neuroeconomics, the Society for Mathematical Psychology, and the Society for Judgement and Decision Making. We don't know how much she actually knows about atmospheric chemistry and physics but her specialty is no longer psychology, a term that has gone out of fashion and been replaced by "behavorial science". 


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