Sunday, February 25, 2024

Art and Climate Change

 Artblog by Michael Wang

American artist Michael Wang feels that climate protests involving museum art are an effective way to get across the message that existential climate change is really and truly a problem. 

 "I see value in these acts. By hijacking the attention we pay these artworks, the activists’ gestures have triggered public conversations around fossil fuels and climate that would not have happened otherwise, redirecting attention where it is badly needed."

Is that actually true? Or do the non-committed or uninterested look at throwing ketchup on artworks and similar attention-getting antics as the action of loonies? If, indeed, their behavior does get the attention of others, has it been successful in raising the general  consciousness of climate change? Have a large number of people really discussed CAGW as a result of museum invasions? Paint my picture as skeptical. 

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