Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Far North Wind Turbines

 Doyon Drilling installs 2 wind turbines near Prudhoe Bay oil field ...



Doyon Drilling, an Alaska Northslope oil development company, has installed two wind turbines to augment the diesel generators that have supplied power to contractors at Prudhoe Bay since activity began there in the 1960s. 

" Based on historical wind data, the turbines have an estimated daily output of 1,440 kilowatt-hours. That’s equivalent to burning about 100 gallons of diesel fuel, Doyon said."

While that doesn't seem very significant, if there's any place where wind turbines might make a smidgen of economic sense it would be at Prudhoe Bay. The harsh elements of the area will put the equipment to the test and information gathered will be useful in later projects, should they be undertaken. 

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