Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Rethink I-94 . . .Before It's Too Late

Inner ring suburb St. Paul, Minnesota vanity local weekly the Park Bugle is blowing the horn for the "Rethink I-94" survey being conducted by the state Dept. of Transportation. 

 We urge everyone to fill out the MnDOT survey and reject all of the options presented except the at-grade options … or if you feel like it, reject those as well.

Anyone can take the survey on-line at tinyurl.com/94options until the end of October. 

What's the impetus for all this? Of course first of all, there's climate change and even if activity on I-94 isn't contributing to the eventual demise of the planet, that climate change will have a negative effect on the road itself and the neighborhood. Filling in the road will somehow eliminate both of those problems. It will also fill in the barrier that I-94 represents between neighborhoods. 

The Mississippi River itself represents a barrier between St. Paul and Minneapolis. Since river barge traffic at this latitude has ceased to prevent big, alien fish from swimming to Lake Itasca and eating all the walleyes, why not just route the "Father of Waters" through a big culvert and use the reclaimed land for book shops, dance studios, football stadiums and  fitness centers. Nobody swims in that river anyway. 

TransitionASAP.org is the think tank devoted to returning millions of yards of earth to what will be an abandoned freeway that once saw 160,000 cars pass through daily. Get in on their conversation.

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