Sunday, July 16, 2023

Possibly Homeless

What's up with the adjective "homeless" used by the media in descriptions of violent criminals How do they know where and in what circumstances the perp in the situation spends his nights and week ends? 

And what does it have to do with the crime itself? Aren't other factors perhaps just as significant in telling the tale of how an ordinary person was damaged by the behavior of another? The attacker could be heavily tattooed, wearing a MAGA cap, a dirty hoody, a high school drop out or carrying a machete. Yet "homeless is the description of choice. 

Maybe the word "homeless" is meant to denote "crazy", since in Yankee land not having a genuine street address is evidence of mental issues. In fact, when the New York Post or other papers describe a person as "homeless" they actually do mean "crazy". 

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