Saturday, April 22, 2023

US Representative Rosa De Lauro and Female Crash-Test Dummies

US House Representative Rosa De Lauro (Dem. Connecticut) has praised Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg's federal budget request for $20 million that will include funds to research and develop gender specific female crash-test dummies to be used in the further development of automobile safety devices. 

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House member Rosa De Lauro

Eighty-years old, she's been elected to serve the Nutmeg State's 3rd Congressional District 17 times. A student at the London School of Economics and Columbia Univ., graduating with a degree in international politics, we're unaware of her background in automobile safety devices, gender-specific weaknesses in car crashes or studies that would apply to the issue.

Her first foray into electoral politics was as the campaign manager for senator Chris Dodd and a co-ordinator of the Michael Dukakis presidential campaign. During her successful 1990 US House campaign, state Republican chair Richard Foley referred to her as "Walter Mondale in drag".

Her husband is Stanley Greenberg, a Democratic pollster and political consultant credited with the electoral success of both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.




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