On December 16, 2001 during the waning moments of a National Football League game in Cleveland, Ohio, a succession of odd and perhaps incorrect decisions by the officiating crew resulted in a genuine riot. Thousands of plastic beer bottles were thrown on the field by outraged fans, the game was suspended, then resumed and its outcome deemed official.
There is no event more sacred in the US of A than an NFL contest and the season of which it is a part. The league itself is an adjunct to community, state and the national government. Christian church services, once an all-day affair, come to an end before the first kick-off on Sunday. That this behavior, an assault on one of the country's most cherished rituals, should take place very near its birthplace, is nearly unthinkable and there should be serious repercussions to anyone who took part.
The several whose conduct was found to be most objectionable were denied access to Cleveland Browns games for the following four years.
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