Saturday, January 21, 2023

Smuggling Humans Into The US No Big Deal, Don't Try It With Eggs

If you've been to the supermarket lately you might be aware that a dozen eggs has increased astronomically in price. This article says that an epidemic of avian flu is the reason. It also says that  customs and border protection is concentrating on keeping the illegal ovum from crossing the southern border into the US. Getting caught with Mexican eggs could cost you $10,000.

 1 Dozen of White Ceramic Eggs | Cackle Hatchery®

This is while non-US citizens sneak across the line and then are flown to "sanctuary cities" where local authorities refuse to assist ICE in their repatriation. Maybe if a Honduran alien was carrying a dozen eggs he'd be in big trouble.

It's interesting that while undocumented humans are assisted in their migration to the US, the same isn't true of many animals.

For instance, cattle and other ungulates are pretty much forbidden entry under any circumstances to the US. This includes cows from Sweden, Chile, Great Britain, Haiti, Guatemala, Spain, Colombia, Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and just about any other country you can name. Ostensibly, this is to prevent the international spread of hoof and mouth disease and other bovine contagions. Oddly, with a world-wide plague of Covid varieties, illegal immigrants to the US aren't systemically tested for that virus.


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