Friday, February 28, 2020

Confucious Institutes . . . .platforms for Chinese government propaganda.

The University of Arizona has become the latest American educational entity to follow the dictates of the Department of Defense and terminate its relationship with the Chinese Confucius Institute. At one time almost 100 US universities had affiliations with the Confucius Institute but lawmakers feel that these relationships are a way for the godless Commies to disseminate their ideological propaganda to naive Americans whose only interest is learning Chinese language and culture.

The legislative and military analysis of the situation is probably correct, in that academia at all levels, much of the political spectrum and the media complex are all competitors for the same mentalities as the Chinese socialists. It's a Bolshevik/Menshevik sort of thing. The totalitarians don't want any competition from even their own close relatives.

The US itself has never been shy about spreading its own ideas globally via physical presence. The Peace Corps is an example. Over 235,000 American Peace Corps volunteers have spent their two year stint in 141 countries since the organization's inception in 1962. In the first 25 years of its existence 21 countries expelled the Peace Corps. Now the US has withdrawn the Peace Corps from China.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty sends US propaganda over the airwaves daily to 23 countries in 25 languages.

As with other aspects of nation-state coercion, the DoD uses the distribution of taxpayer funds as a carrot-on-a-stick to state educational institutions to gain their compliance in matters of ideology. It would be nice to believe that US citizens, receiving mandatory education in US government-approved schools with approved curricula, would be able to make their own decisions in regard to Chinese political theory while studying Chinese language and culture.  

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