Ever notice flags flying at half-mast and wonder who might be "honored" by this? It's easy enough to find out. This website lists current and past individuals for whom the flag is lowered. A curiosity of this process is the make-up of these people. They are all either deceased public employees; government office holders, law enforcement figures, firemen, military active duty or veterans, and victims of mass murderers. It's hard to be sure how many victims of a mass murderer are needed to prevent the flag from being raised to normal height but it's more than two.
In the case of a law enforcement officer who is also a military veteran, US flags in his state of residence will be raised to half-mast upon his internment and nationally during Peace Officers Memorial Day (May 15 in 2019) as well as Memorial Day. Eventually he will be honored, with others, at least twice a year, maybe forever.
Prominent members of the general public without a government background don't seem to qualify for this memorial.
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