Tangentially, the on-line Spiked publishes a review of Joanna Williams' Consuming Higher Education: Why Learning Can't Be Bought by Mick Hume. Although the book itself attempts to describe the changed concept of higher education in Great Britain, the same change is apparent in the US. The desire for knowledge or learning has been superseded by the intent of the consumer/student to realize a return on his tuition investment in higher life-time earnings. Of course, there's always the possibility that higher education will result in an occupation that's not only more lucrative but also less physically demanding and cleaner as well.
At this point, the development of the 19th century German educational paradigm so adored by John Dewey and others has morphed into a gigantic money-eating machine whose value to both society in general and individuals in particular is declining, especially when that society and those individuals are paying rent to that machine, just as they are to the US political, legal and financial systems. On-line education has a chance to arrest, at least in part, the explosion of educational expense but the entrenched present educational establishment is no mood to see its income diminish. Interesting times loom for the schools and their graduates, many saddled with unforgiveable debt.
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