The fact is that there is indeed a general unity of opinion on four things, the four things that really matter to practically all Americans. Ranked in order of their importance they are: comfort, convenience, entertainment and security.
Comfort is the most important thing in the life of all Americans. The man-made environment created for them begins with the necessity of comfort. The temperature in homes, offices, schools and businesses must be somewhere between 67 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the relative humidity, regardless of the outside temperature. Automobiles, airplanes and trains have similar requirements. Lighting must be at the desired level and ambient sound must not be objectionable. The Goldilocks syndrome. No one would disagree with this. The population is united in this feeling.
Convenience is the spur to the recent changes in retailing and other business relationships. Internet access eliminates many trips to the library or even the corner store. Pizza is delivered to the front door. Amazon will ship the customer a copy of the latest Tom Clancy book via a simple computer transaction. Utility bills can be paid in the same way. Should an actual in-person visit be needed to make an exchange, receive a service or perform one, it's mandatory that a place to park the automobile be as close as possible to the front door of the destination. There is unity in this desire.
Entertainment is next on the list of American necessities. Being afflicted with boredom, or even lack of sensory stimulation at a certain level, can't be accepted. This has become more and more important as devices that are able to combat boredom have become more commonplace. Where in bygone days people carried "pocket books", volumes meant to be portable mental stimulation, miniature radios and recording devices; and now smart phones are everywhere. Even in situations that are entertainment, like a sporting event, lulls in the action are filled with more entertainment; music, giant scoreboard visuals, etc. There can't be any time that's not filled with some kind of stimuli.
The fourth requirement is security. This can range from discouraging a missile attack from somewhere near the Ural Mountains to prevention of bicycle theft or safety in Halloween trick-or-treating. Aspects of life that all Americans favor.
So, the country is united in at least these desires. What about the divisive parts of life? The ideas that inspire disunity are the ones that aren't meaningful on a personal level. For instance, lately there's been much discussion about where transgender people fit in. Chances are the average man of the cul-de-sac has experienced perhaps only a few minutes of Ru Paul while working his way through the 350 channels. Most men would have a difficult time telling an unattractive women from a sissy guy.

Ru Paul, actually a guy.
Another controversial subject is AGW or now more often "climate change". While there will be storms, droughts and other weather events in the near future just as there always has been, nobody alive today will be able to point to evidence of anthropogenically caused climate change during their own lifetime. Yet, since no real evidence exists opinions can run a gamut. It produces disunity. People seem to enjoy arguing about it though the argument can't be settled at this time in any meaningful way and if it could would have no discernible effect on anyone's life.
The latest foofarole to strike the American fancy is the disrespect shown to the Star-spangled Banner by black football players during the national anthem ceremony before NFL football games. Why the flag should be displayed and the anthem played at the commencement of a rodeo, hockey game or soccer match is very much a mystery. And, as controversial as this subject has been lately, the varying opinions on it and the behavior of the witnesses are in reality of no consequence to anyone. Everybody knows that a red, white and blue striped flag with stars on it represents the US.
There are other controversial ideas that might create dissension; the gold standard, income tax, a guaranteed income, illegal immigration and ethanol in motor fuel, for instance. These are however, abstract areas of thought. A temperature of 82 in the office or a parking space 2 blocks from the front door are genuine issues.