A Parliament man, speaking the mind of the nation in the day of reckoning, thus describes the patentees of this period:
It is a nest of wasps, or swarm of vermin, which have overcrept the land, I mean the monopolers polers of the people. These, like the frogs of Egypt, have got possession of our dwellings, and we have scarce a room free from them: they sip in our cup, the dip in our dish, they sit by our fire; we find them in the dye-vat, wash bowl, and powdering-tub; they share with the butler in his box, the have marked and sealed us from head to foot....They have a vizard to hid the brand made by that good law in the last Parliament of King James; they shelter themselves under the name of Corporations.
Life Under the Stuarts, G.M. Trevelyan, University Paperbacks, 1965; pg. 154.
King James I